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Supporting Your Team & Strengthening Your Company Culture During COVID-19

Here at Comeet, we’ve been hearing from a lot of HR teams about managing culture and supporting employees during this Coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing economic uncertainty. 

Companies are showing boundless creativity to stay connected during social distancing. Because here’s the thing: Challenging times can unite us like nothing else can. We wanted to help companies strengthen that unity across their team and culture. 

So we held a Zoomside Chat to discuss. In our inaugural chat, we covered supporting our team and protecting our culture during COVID-19. 

Three HR leaders led the discussion: 

Most importantly, those who joined also shared their own ideas, questions, and insights. 

We left the conversation feeling hopeful about our collective opportunities to leverage these uncertain times and position ourselves as a supportive employer and top talent attractor. Read on for some highlights from that conversation. 

We’ve also decided these Zoomside Chats should be a recurring event — subscribe for an invite to the next Chat (on the top-right button of this page!).

Recording & Highlights: Supporting Your Team During COVID-19

So many valuable resources were shared about supporting your teams during COVID-19. We’ve rounded them up here for your reference. 

First thing’s first: Tune into the chat with the recording of our hour-long discussion.

Highlights and resources from the conversation: 

Watch the recording here or subscribe (top-right of this page!) to get an invite to our next Zoomside Chat. 

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