What could possibly go wrong with your hiring process? You’ve got great people in HR, you have worked with employees and managers to define the job you need filled. Maybe you even are using software to keep things moving along.
But as you know, problems can still occur, like these . . .
Somebody Dropped the Ball
In one version of this problem, some member of the hiring team overlooked a critical step. Maybe all the screening interviews are complete, it was time to call applicants in for second interviews . . . but nobody did that. One member of your HR team looks around and says, “That was something I was supposed to do?”
Who is responsible for what? This problem crops up when companies are hiring. But if you use an Applicant Tracking System with workflows, it won’t. Every step of the hiring process is clearly defined, along with an easily trackable, step-by-step hiring process that makes overlooked steps a thing of the past.
Haphazard Record Keeping
A member of your HR team met an applicant for lunch, took notes on a napkin and waited two days before entering information into the system. By that time, an offer was made to a different, weaker applicant.
With a clear, easy-to-use user interfaces, the best ATS platforms will prevent that from happening. Members of your hiring team can update candidate information right on their phones, from anywhere, even from a restaurant table. Who needs a napkin?
Critical Interview Mishaps
A member of your hiring team is really impressed after conducting a screening interview. But then he reviews the questions he was supposed to ask the applicant . . . and realizes he forgot to ask two critical questions. Oops! So it is time to contact the applicant again, say “I forgot to ask you . . .” and try to fill in the blanks by asking the forgotten questions.
It makes your company look bad in the eyes of applicants, delays the overall hiring process, and even gives some applicants an advantage over others. After all, applicants who are interviewed in an more effective way have a way of looking . . . more effective!
Your applicant tracking system should eliminate this problem too, by equipping every member of your team with a uniform, easy-to-access set of questions to ask applicants. Nothing gets forgotten, everything happens.
Omitted Data
You do all the interviews, create a pool of strong applicants. Then a member of your hiring team pipes up and says, “They all look great . . . so let’s first make offers to the college grads, then to the others.”
The problem is that data on who graduated college, though gathered in the initial contact form that applicants filled out when applying for your job, never got transferred to the database of information you are using to make final selections. (Why? “I didn’t think it was important,” says a member of your team.) So it is suddenly necessary to go back, pull educational data out of applicants’ enrollment forms.
Is that a tragedy? No. But it wastes time and frustrates everyone. When you use an ATS with the capability to carefully plan every one of your open positions, it won’t happen to you.
Are you looking to start your hiring process today? Comeet can help. Check out our plan options to learn more about how we can redefine the way you recruit new talent.