Comeet merges with Spark Hire! Read about it.
7 months ago

Better Hiring for Everyone: One-Way Video Interviewing Now Available in Comeet

Comeet CustomerPartnershipProduct
1 year ago

Comeet and Spark Hire Merge to Pioneer a New Era in Talent Acquisition Solutions: A Note from Comeet’s Founders

1 year ago

Seamless Hiring and Onboarding with Comeet ATS integration with ADP

1 year ago

Transforming Your Recruiting and HR Management: The Advantages of Comeet’s ATS Integration with Rippling

1 year ago

ATS Integration with HireEZ: Maximizing Hiring Efficiency with Comeet and HireEZ

1 year ago

How Comeet is revolutionizing the ATS with its new AI Assistant

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Editor’s pick

HR Technology & TrendLeadership

Why Streamlining Your Vendor Relationships Should be a Priority

For some of us, it might not seem all that long ago when organizational downsizing was all the rage. Remember the push to reduce labor costs and increase profitability at the expense of pretty much everything else? If you can’t recall it specifically, then perhaps you might be more familiar with George Clooney flying all […]

January 5, 2023
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10 Strategies, Tactics, + Considerations to Scale Your Startup Sales Team

As a CEO, co-founder, or sales executive tasked with building a team – you may be the sales team of your growing company. But when your startup is ready to reach the next level, you’ll need to build a sales team that’s just as excited about your product as you are. We spoke to several […]

October 8, 2021
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11 Ways to Virtually Engage Your Employees

Whether you’re new to the remote work concept or you’ve allowed some of your employees to telecommute for years, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has forced many businesses to adapt and manage in ways they never thought possible. One concern for teams is the lack of face-to-face interaction and how it can negatively affect employee engagement. […]

January 5, 2021
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12 Slack Apps and Tools that Make You a Better Recruiter

Learn more about Comeet’s collaborative recruiting platform.  If you’re like most recruiters (and companies), you’re likely using dozens of different tools to be more productive. We wanted to share our favorites on Slack, including how you can integrate most of the tools you’re using now into one interface for teams. Slack Productivity Apps for Recruiters […]

November 15, 2017
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